Stone Tokenx14
You can donate the Stone Token to your Clan.
[Acquisition] Fields Tower of Challenge Attack power Dungeon Gaia's Material Box Horoll's Craft Box
Essence of Firex3
it's needed essence when reinforce pet of fire.
[Acquisition] Fire Dungeon Gaia's Material Box
Item Crystalx9
A piece obtained by disassembling the equipment Item. Used to craft a variety of Items.
[Acquisition] Acquired by craft Disassembling the Equipment Item Horoll's Craft Box Solar Craft box Boss monster after 31F of Tower of challenge
Item Crystal
A piece obtained by disassembling the equipment Item. Used to craft a variety of Items.
[Acquisition] Acquired by craft Disassembling the Equipment Item Horoll's Craft Box Solar Craft box Boss monster after 31F of Tower of challenge