Gaia's favorx24
No decrease of Upgrade point when pet Upgrade fail.
[Acquisition] Mine Dungeon Boss Golem Gaia's Material Box Booty of Tower
Gaia's blessingx25
Increase Upgrade point by up to +1~3 when pet Upgrade success.
[Acquisition] Boss monster after 31F of Tower of challenge Gaia's Material Box
Hephaistos's blessingx8
Increase Upgrade point by up to +1~3 when armor Upgrade success.
[Acquisition] Boss monster after 31F of Tower of challenge Armor Enhance Scroll box Booty of Tower
Being an ash after dying, but Mythical phantom phoenix from Legend revives through the ashes.
Miraclous fragmentx10000
It is a piece of miraculous power.Craft Item
[Acquisition] Fields(Excluding 1F) Miracle Package
Unique Item Sealx23
When you drag the seal onto the equipment item, it can change the item to tradeable state.
[Apply grade] Unique
[Acquisition] Horoll's Craft Box Booty of Tower
[Item which is under Unique grade requires normal Item Seal]
Halloween Candle Hat
Number of sealable: 6 DEF +52.0 Defense success +12.0%
Hat with Candle for Halloween. Candle wax won't drop. No worries
Phoenix fragmentx5
A piece of material of Ticket that can craft Phoenix again
[Acquisition] Phoenix Decomposition
Mysterious Black Scrollx5
When you drag this Scroll to an Equipment Item, you can upgrade that Item and give it an option.
[Apply grade] Rare, Epic, Unique
[Acquisition] Horoll's Craft Box Booty of Tower
[You can't give an option to Normal grade item but can try to upgrate to 'Rare' grade] [It has powerful upgrade effect of Item.]
Miraculous Needlex63
There is nothing that can't be made with Miraculous needle.
Craft Item
[Acquisition] Fields 3F Boss Monster Horoll's Craft Box Solar Craft Box
Heart Hat for Friendship
DEF +85.0 Defense success +11.0%
Hat for people who has deep friendship
Being an ash after dying, but Mythical phantom phoenix from Legend revives through the ashes.
Snow Crystal
Wendy Avartar Craft.
Craft Item
[Acquisition] Craft- Frozen Box