Gaia's blessingx10
Increase Upgrade point by up to +1~3 when pet Upgrade success.
[Acquisition] Boss monster after 31F of Tower of challenge Gaia's Material Box
Hephaistos's favorx4
No decrease of Upgrade point when armor Upgrade fail.
[Acquisition] Armor Enhance Scroll box Booty of Tower
Miraclous fragmentx20
It is a piece of miraculous power.Craft Item
[Acquisition] Fields(Excluding 1F) Miracle Package
HP Potionx18311
HP will recover partly by touching potion button on the quick bar Use with a From the front and high recovery rate.
Effect HP +100
[Acquisition] Herb forest Attack power Dungeon Gaia's Material Box
Tower's Essencex39
An Essence that can be obtained to Boss Monster of the Challenge Tower. It is used to make for Booty of Tower.
Craft Item
[Acquisition] Challenge Tower - Boss Monster
Stone Tokenx80662
You can donate the Stone Token to your Clan.
[Acquisition] Fields Tower of Challenge Attack power Dungeon Gaia's Material Box Horoll's Craft Box
Gaia's favorx11
No decrease of Upgrade point when pet Upgrade fail.
[Acquisition] Mine Dungeon Boss Golem Gaia's Material Box Booty of Tower
Unique Item Sealx3
When you drag the seal onto the equipment item, it can change the item to tradeable state.
[Apply grade] Unique
[Acquisition] Horoll's Craft Box Booty of Tower
[Item which is under Unique grade requires normal Item Seal]