Stone Tokenx1064
You can donate the Stone Token to your Clan.
[Acquisition] Fields Tower of Challenge Attack power Dungeon Gaia's Material Box Horoll's Craft Box
HP+ Potionx159
HP will recover by touching potion button on the quick bar Use with a From the front and high recovery rate.
Effect HP +300
[Acquisition] Herb forest Attack power Dungeon Solar Craft Box Horoll's Craft Box
Gaia's blessingx2
Increase Upgrade point by up to +1~3 when pet Upgrade success.
[Acquisition] Boss monster after 31F of Tower of challenge Gaia's Material Box
It's a Atomic number 26 and Fe as a symbol.
Craft Item
[Acquisition] Fields after 31F of Tower of Challenge Horoll's Craft Box
Cotton shoes
Number of sealable: 6 DEF +13.0 Defense success +2.0%
It's made by cotton. Great to move and comfortable but careful for cold weather
Apple with arrow
Number of sealable: 3 DEF +42.0 Defense success +6.0%
Someone shoot arrow to the apple!! They won't shoot again if i put this in my head..
It is a woven cloth.
Craft Item
[Acquisition] Fields after 31F of Tower of Challenge Horoll's Craft Box
Stone Token
You can donate the Stone Token to your Clan.
[Acquisition] Fields Tower of Challenge Attack power Dungeon Gaia's Material Box Horoll's Craft Box