Greed shoes +30

Greed Top +11

Shiba Ballon

Wrath Necklace +25

[2018] Cute Shiba

2nd anniversary Bouquet

Greed shoes

Greed shoes +21

Mysterious Scroll(Best)

Heart Hat for Friendship +5

[White Day] Lovely Candy Glasses

[X-MAS] snowman bag +30

Wrath Earring +23

Unique Item Sealx306

Mysterious Scroll


Halloween Goldstar

[X-MAS] Twinkle Tree Hat +25

Essence of Thunderx929

Wrath Necklace +13

[X-MAS] Wadolf +24

2nd anniversary Tail

Mysterious Scroll

Greed shoes +10

Jokduri +10

Gluttony's Earring +20


Tyranno Hunter's Shoes

[CandyDay]Pink Pink Candy

Brilliant Miracle Scrollx2

[X-MAS] Santa's hat +4

Gluttony's Cape +21

Halloween Candy +3

Legendary Item sealing Paperx136

Picnic Basket

Greed Top

Halloween cloak +10

Hiro's Berryx33

Phoenix Ticketx5

Bibi's Hat +10

Halloween Lollipop

Raise the Grade of equipment Scrollx15

Halloween Ice-cream

Wrath Ring +15

Gluttony's Necklace +13

Greed Earring +10

Tyranno Hunter's Tail

Shiba doge's shoes +13

[X-MAS] Santa Crown

[X-MAS] Hairband with Santa's horn +10

2nd anniversary Hat

1st anniversary Bouquet